What’s Inside the Google Phone

Video: Nexus One Disassembled 

If you are wondering what’s inside Nexus One, check this slideshow at iFixit*. They bought a new phone and completely disassembled it using a Phillips screwdriver.
Google Phone Battery Cover Opening the Nexus One
Inside Nexus One Google Phone Disassembled
The Link With Zune & iPod
The teardown reveals some interesting "secrets" about the components used in the Google Phone.
For example, the touchscreen is made by Samsung who is also a supplier for Microsoft Zune HD. The Bluetooth and wireless chip found in the Nexus One is from Broadcom and it’s the same chip that is used by Apple for iPod touch.
[*] iFixIt is the same web site that offers free visual guides to help you repair or upgradeApple products on your own.

Thanks to: labnol.org