
Lock a folder in D drive


Suppose you want to lock the folder PERSONAL in D drive.
Thus, it's path shall be D:/PERSONAL
1. Open the notepad. Type : Ren PERSONAL PERSONAL.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D}. Now save this text file as LOCK.bat in the same drive.
2. Now, again open the notepad. Type.Ren PERSONAL.{21EC2020- 3AEA-1069- A2DD-08002B30309 D} PERSONALSave this text file as OPEN.bat in the same drive..

Now, when you double click on LOCK.bat, your folder "PERSONAL" will become the control panel and nobody can view the contents of this folder.Now, to see your folder, just double click on OPEN.bat.

Note: This can be done in any drive for any folder.